The Story of a Flower and a Tree

Written by Ben Sharony and Carly Jo Carson
Illustrated by Nichole Graf

”Dougie & V” tells the story of a tree who wants to be a flower. Dougie, a young Douglas Fir, can easily spot the gifts and strengths of others, but has a difficult time seeing anything good in himself. Can you relate?
In the first half of the book, Dougie relentlessly compares himself to V, a vibrant violet. V, older and wiser, gently pushes back. She shows Dougie that he too is special. With V’s help, Dougie comes to understand that though he and V are very different, they are both innately unique, strong and beautiful.
Sprinkled with delightful and surprising factoids about biodiversity, this spiritual journey teaches us about friendship, loss, and the cycles of life.  But above all, this is a book about the importance of self-love.

Available June 9th!

a sneak peak of what’s inside: